Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hannah's First Steps

Sunday morning (June 5th, 2011) I woke up and realized that Hannah was still sleeping, Chris was preoccupied with the newspaper and I was free to take a not-so-quick shower. Amazing! When I got out and looked at the clock I realized that the timing of Hannah's nap and feedings were off and asked Chris if we could play hookie from church.

We usually don't skip church, but I had been trying to nurse Hannah as often as possible to increase supply and didn't feel like nursing in public that day.

Chris was a sweetheart and offered to make blueberry pancakes once Hannah woke up and as H played in the living room I was thinking to myself that I really needed to work with her on taking those first steps today and Monday, because she was SO close and I didn't want to miss them while at work.

Just then, Chris popped his head in quickly to ask how many pancakes we wanted and, having caught Hannah's attention and mentioned food without actually producing food, Hannah pulled herself up on the ottoman and took at least 6 steps with the intention of finding daddy (I'm assuming to submit HER breakfast order). My gasps and crazed laughter had Chris running in just to see her fall on her butt.

But she took more steps for daddy to see - walking towards bits of pancake of course, and later that day I was able to catch lots of first steps footage for the Bubblelush archives.

Now that we've seen her first steps and successfully captured them on 'film', we don't bribe her into walking make her walk anymore, but she takes multiples steps throughout the day on her own, and it's awe inspiring and utterly frightening when we stop to realize just how fast she's growing up.

She took her first steps 2 days later than Chris took his as a baby (257 days old vs 259 days old), and a whopping 19 days after Christopher's baby sister Jessica took her first steps. So no new family record, but early walkers must be genetic in their family!

Here is the vlog:

And because I get the question a lot - her outfit is from Nicole Miller and I bought it on Zulily.




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