Wednesday, September 1, 2010

39 Weeks!

•Total weight gain/loss•
About 9 pounds above pre-pregnancy.

•Maternity clothes?•
My maternity shirts aren't really covering the underside of the tummy anymore. It's not cute. :)

The bladder pressure has begun and I'm up to two middle of the night pee breaks. It sucks.

•Best moment this week•
At my 38.5 week midwife appointment I found out I was 50% effaced and a fingertip dialated. I wasn't surprised that I'm not that dialated - I haven't had any contractions - but I was stoked to learn that at least I'm starting to thin out and efface.

She's letting me know she's in there, but for the most part her movements are stretches. GOOD. I hope she runs out of room in there are comes out 'early'.

•Food cravings•
ICE. The best part about doing the non stress test at the hospital is the cup of crushed ice they give me. I drink cups and cups of ice water just so the ice will get melted a little bit and I'll be able to crunch it up and eat it. Weird. I also really love nectarines.

Team pink.

•Labor Signs•
I've got a wicked back ache that won't quit. Part of my hopes it's the start of back labor - the other part of me is scared crap-less that it's not connected to the baby at all and it's just a stupid back ache and I'm in pain for nothing. I guess I'll find out at my next midwife appointment.

•Belly Button in or out?•
Still an innie, but barely.

•What I miss•
Being able to roll over in bed without grunting, groaning and grabbing onto stationary objects to HEAVE my tummy over.

•What I am looking forward to•
Contractions. Seriously, lets get this show on the road!

•Weekly Wisdom•
Internals aren't that painful. Full moons don't induce labor and even though I was born on my parent's 2nd anniversary doesn't mean that she'll be born on ours. :)

1 week till my due date.



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