Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blood Tests

So I went in on Monday and got a blood test done. My hCG vale was 869. She said that was a good number considering I was 17 days post ovulation, but it was more important how well it doubled. So I went in today at lunch and had my 2nd blood test and they just called me with the results. The value was 2,234 so that means that it's doubling every 35 hours which is right on target as it usually doubles every 24 - 48 hours.

I graphed it based on 17 and 19 days past ovulation values (image #1). My values are higher than their HIGH trendline but definitly on target for a singleton (sorry mom!). So I changed the days to 18 and 20 dpo (image #2) and the values are right on the HIGH trendline so I might actually be a day ahead of what I think.

I scheduled my first ultrasound for January 11 which will be at 6.5 weeks.

Just wanted to let you know that so far so good!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

We're Pregnant!
The best Christmas present Ever.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

TTC #28 - BFN

The video was just a text update that the 1st cycle of Femara didn't work.

Friday, September 18, 2009

TTC #24 - Cycle 8 Update

4th medicated cycle - 150mg of Clomid did not produce a follicle.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

TTC #22 - Needle In The Belly - Trigger Shot

Medicated cycle #3 - 150 mg of Clomid produced an 18mm follicle and I used a trigger shot to ovulate.

Saturday, April 18, 2009



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