Saturday, July 9, 2011


Chris and I have been slowly working on transforming the den from a please-God-don't-look-in-that-room to a PLEASE-look-in-this-room.

Subtle difference in text, but a big difference in reality.

The room has beigh berber carpet that is impossible to clean with our carpet cleaner (for some reason....), wood panelling on the walls, and a red/white/black brick fireplace.

Hot. Mess.

I know how I want to layout the room, but I don't have a vision for the color scheme or details.  I've been looking for inspiration and the only thing I need to keep in mind is that the red/brown/gold Christmas decorations are going in this room.

We went to IKEA to get some wine storage shelving for the under stairs closet turned wine cellar and spotted this rug.  It's a new item so it's not yet on the website, but I love the red and navy possibilities.  I like all the beigh that will help tie in the carpeting and I like all the paint options.

But there are almost TOO many paint options.  I need help.  I need Candace Olson.  STAT.

Here's some IKEA footage.  Hannah insisted on walking running everywhere.  while yelling.  Hilarious.


  1. I love the lightest color in the rug for a wall color..looks like a creamy beige? I like to paint my walls a neutralish color so I can change decor easily without having to re-paint. We recently painted the brick of our fireplace and I absolutely love it! Hope you come up with a plan soon :) It's a lot of fun but can be stressful.

  2. that video was so stinkin' cute! omygosh and you look great! i dream of doing our basement someday after we are doing paying for all this fertility mumbo jumbo. i love that rug! wishing you lots of luck in your new project!
    happy sunday to you! <3 maria

  3. Hi there! I found your blog through your youtube channel =).

    Hannah is absolutely adorable!! And your video on how you told your husband you were pregnant was awesome =). I didn't have that kind of restraint. I called my husband at work and literally screamed it through the phone. His co-workers heard me. haha

    PS: You made me want to take my 1 year old to Ikea. I just realized that we haven't gone since he's started walking and identifying things!

  4. i love ikea! i took my daughter there last week (free kids meal day!) and let her play in the mock bedrooms. she put her baby to bed and then laid down in a big bed and almost fell asleep she was so wore out! i know that the displays are to try the products out but who can resist jumping on every single mattress?




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