I am officially in the third trimester now. Intense. People keep saying it's the home stretch, but it also feels like a million lightyears ago that I entered the 2nd trimester, so maybe it won't go by as fast as I'm fearing.
•How far along?•
28 weeks
•Total weight gain/loss•
I think I've officially gained weight with this pregnancy now - I'm up about a pound from where I was back at Christmas. Not bad!
•Maternity clothes?•
Chris and I discussed the finer points of nursing bras last night. It was kindof a weird conversation. :)
I need more. But I must be sleeping like a rock during the night because the last few nights I haven't even rolled over. I've slept on my left side the whole night and, besides maybe adjusting my legs, I think I'm pretty much dead to the world.
•Best moment this week•
The best birthday gift I got, even better than the balloons my parents had delivered to my office, was the nes that I passed the gestational diabetes screening and that I'm looking fine as far as PreE goes. WOOT!
I'm expecting it to start slowing down now. They say that the movement reaches a peak from 24-28 weeks, and then just becomes more jabs and kicks and less rolling and gymnastic movements. She's pretty good at letting me know she's in there, and I think she's currently head down with the hiccups - weirdest sensation ever.
•Food cravings•
Groupons sucked me in this morning with a coupon to a local Rice Pudding cafe. I've never been there, but if it was in Beaverton and not SW Portland, I'd know where we were getting dessert. However, I do have a birthday coupon for cold stone creamery that I'm sure Chris would be more than happy to redeem.
•Labor Signs•
•Belly Button in or out?•
It's shallow for me, but still has a way to go before it's flat.
•What I miss•
Being able to hug Chris without my stomach/boobs getting in the way. He commented on that last night when I got home from work.
•What I am looking forward to•
MONDAY! I have a growth ultrasound on Monday. I'll be 28.5 weeks and I haven't seen her since 22.5 weeks. We've been pretty lucky though. I got an ultrasound at 6.5 weeks to confirm, then we had the NT scan at 13.5 weeks, the BIG ultrasound at 19.5 weeks and the BIG 2.0 at 22.5 weeks, so this will be our 5th peak at Miss thang, and my midwife was talking about another growth check up in 4-6 weeks. Sweet.
•Weekly Wisdom•
Expensive restaurants while pregnant are not worth it. The portion aren't big enough for this hungry hippo and the funky cheese they sprinkle on everything will turn your stomach from the second they set the plate down. I made a bad selection for my birthday dinner and next time will have more respect for Olive Garden and their unlimited breadsticks. :)
Third Trimester!
Stay tuned to hear how the ultrasound goes on Monday and how Chris fares at the first childbirth class Tuesday evening.
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