Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Breastfeeding: Supplementing with an SNS Kit

Discussing how a supplemental nursing system can be beneficial 
to mothers and babies that are experiencing difficulty breastfeeding.

Even with our rough start, Hannah and I successfully 
breastfed until she weaned at 14 months. 

Just because it doesn't start off on the right foot, 
doesn't mean it can't finish beautifully.



Learn more at KellyMom Articles:

Keywords: Carla thebubblelush the bubblelush carlathebubblelush dailylush daily lush Chris Hannah vlog vlogs vlogger vlogging blog breastfeeding breastfeed breastfed breast feed troubleshooting tongue tied latch supplement breastmilk milk formula similac enfamil bottle low supply hospital post partum comes in colostrum SNS kit supplemental nursing system medela lactaid lact-aid Infant Formula newborn baby lactation consultant Video Blogging




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